Hi everybody, can you believe our Westville site has been running now for 4 weeks!! In that four weeks it has been super exciting to see new folk visiting and expressing interest in joining the church. The team down at Westville are doing an awesome job creating an environment that captures the Heart of HCF. We are truly becoming “One church with multiple sites”.
As an eldership team here are a few things that we feel lead to pray for this week:
1. More leaders to rise up and use their gifts for the Kingdom.
2. That the community heart of HCF continues to beat strongly as new folk press into the life of HCF, in all sites, both Hillcrest and Westville.
3. That more who don’t know Jesus, find themselves drawn to Him in our midst, and that we continue to see more lives transformed.
4. Pete and Karen are currently ministering at the Australia “Equip” time, let us continue to lift them up in prayer, and trust God for a good report.
As we pray let us constantly be reminded of God’s amazing love for us, His mercy that prevents us from getting what we deserve and His grace that gives us what we don’t deserve.
God Bless
The Eldership Team