Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12th December 2010

What a season we find ourselves in... Christmas offers some really unique opportunities for reaching out to family and friends with the story of the Gospel. As we were encouraged on Sunday morning, it is the whole story of Jesus working its way through our lives on a daily basis that makes who we are so significant. It is lifestyle, not just decision. Can we pray over two very strategic moments in the life of the church?

1) Carols on 17th December at the Hillcrest Corner; a very purposeful opportunity to let the story of Jesus shine through our lives into the community.

2) Christmas day 25th December at 8:30am across all sites: Hillcrest, Waterfall and Westville.

Let's trust God for moments within our friendships and family relationships that would allow us to shine His life, as well as to invite those we are trusting for, through to experience these moments with us.
Ephesians 3:7 - 11.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Monday, December 13, 2010

28th November 2010

"It is the season to be jolly." As we enter into this silly season with all its tinsel and hype, and the giving of gifts, let us in turn use the gifts that God has given us to be a blessing.

Romans 12:6 - 8 "Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."

This Sunday we are celebrating the many folk that serve in the life of HCF and give of their time and gifts so generously. Let us give thanks for the many willing hearts that sow into the life of HCF. Let's ask God to pour out His blessing and favour upon each of them, and that they'll come back in the new year with great zeal and passion.

We are excited for the plans God has for us in 2011 to reach the city, and with that comes the opportunity for many more willing hands to serve. Let us pray that God would stir the hearts of many more people to build His church.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

21st November 2010

What a great Sunday we had! It's always a wonder to see God adding to His church through people committing their lives to Him.

As we continue with the discipleship series, we learn that we are an interdependant people. We need fathers and we need to be fathered. 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Let us pray for the following this week:

God, help us to be connected to the body through one another and to connect those who find themselves on the outside. Lord, teach us to take the posture of being sons and daughters and, at the same time, to look out for those you are calling us to father. Thank you for the never-ending opportunities You open up for us as we live life with You.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

14th November 2010

We were really encouraged and stirred on Sunday to be mindful of those who are just not "thriving" within the life of the church at the moment. There may be a number of reasons for this evidence in people's lives, but the fact remains that we are, together, the body of Christ; a family of which Christ is the head and, when one part hurts, we all hurt. When one part is not "thriving", we need to be aware and stand along side them. 1 Corinthians 12:14 - 21 and 26 - 27.

Can we be mindful, in our times of prayer, to be lifting each other up, praying for the church and trusting that God would give each one of us strategies for how to embrace those that may find themselves on the outskirts; those that long for a sense of belonging but are just not sure how. Let's pray for a commitment and contentedness within the body of Christ.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7th November 2010

"I am closer than you think."

We have so much to be grateful for! We are about to enter into that beautiful Christmas season. Whilst it can be rediculously busy, we pray for a season of joy, restoration and thanksgiving.

2 Cor 5:21, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." God sent His Son, to take our sin and give us His righteousness! What an absolute privilege to be called His! Let us open our hearts to God and be thankful and mindful of all that He gives us; from the salvation we have received right down to the air we breathe.

Here are some things we have felt to pray for this week:

1. Let's remember those churches that have been planted out of HCF as well as the sites: Cliff & Hayley, Mark & Rose, Peter & Lee-anne, Henriques & Sanel, Sam & Mucha, Michael & Lucinda:
a. for refreshing
b. for recourses
c. for a harvest; that people would hear the gospel and respond.

2. For unity amongst us as a church; that we would continue to move forward in all that God has for us.
3. Let's also pray that all that God does around us and through us, finds it's foundation in love - love for one another.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

31st October 2010

Ephesians 1:15-19 "For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His great might..."

As we read the text, let us do so with the same prayer that the apostle Paul prayed. Let us look to the "God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory," that He might give to us "a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him," so that "the eyes of our heart may be opened, and we might know what is the hope of His calling, the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe."

God gives life to the church, directs its growth, and controls its destiny and so Paul prays to God on behalf of the church.

Can we make that a personal prayer for each of us this week?
1) Let's pray for a "spirit of wisdom and of revelation" (verse 17)
2) Pray that the "eyes of their hearts may be enlightened" (verse 18).
3) Pray that we, the saints, may come to grasp the hope of His calling, the glory of His inheritance in the saints and the surpassing greatness of His power.

The second reason that Paul gives for his prayers is stated in verse 15 as well. They have faith in the Lord Jesus, and they have a love for all the saints. Loving God and loving others are the marks of a true Christian. If we have not love, we are nothing but a clanging cymbal. May we become more like Him?

God bless,
The Eldership team

Thursday, October 28, 2010

24th October 2010

Sunday evening at HCF Hillcrest saw many people come forward in response to a call for freedom from addictions from various things. It was a privilege to see God setting men and women free from bondages in their lives. Let us pray that God's power will work in the lives of all these men and women; that He will give them courage, strengthen them and complete the work that He has started in their hearts.

As we prayed as an Eldership team this week, we found God leading us to pray for young leaders once again; we had a great sense of expectation in God for them. Together, let's trust God that these leaders will be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, will move in His power, operate in His wisdom and release their God-given gifts to the body. May the unsaved people they come into contact with be drawn into the Kingdom as they observe and interact with these leaders. We also pray for our future leaders that may be sitting in our meetings and have yet to put their hands up and say "I am called."

Pray for Peter and Karen as they participate in the EQUIP leaders training times in the UK and Denmark.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

17th October 2010

What an amazing 24 hours of prayer we have just had as the church across all our sites. Undoubtedly God has set in our hearts the possibilities of greater things.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 14 speaks of times and seasons. As you read, there is no question that God is calling us as His church to be ready and prepare "for a time to plant; a time to build; a time to gather them; and a time to search."

Can we pray this week for the seed that God has placed within us, this desire to see His purposes accomplished in the city, to be firmly established in the hearts of many who belong to HCF (CityHill)?

The harvest is plentiful, but needs to be brought in on the backs of many workers. "God, may our desire be to see Your plans unfold through us, Your church."

God bless,
The Eldership team

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10th October 2010


The words of Mordecai to Esther, "Who knows that you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this", are as pertinent today, for us, as they were then.

There is a sense that God is stirring our hearts for what He has called us to do. As we are preparing to commence praying for 24 hours this Sunday there is an expectancy that God is about to do much as we surrender our hearts to Him.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding the pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Jesus is the pearl of great price and as we surrender our lives to Him, Jesus says "whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Ask God to stir our hearts, put fire in our bellies, and make us people with zeal and passion. Youthful David killed Goliath, and Caleb, at 85, still had the fire in him to claim his promise from God.

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of God has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. Young or old now is the time for us as the church to grab hold of what God has for us.

Be expectant; those who know their God shall do mighty exploits.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Thursday, October 7, 2010

3rd October 2010

We pray that lifestyle will not be a luxury that keeps us from walking on the water. God is calling us to extend our faith, faith for the impossible. We are a people who believe in an all powerful God, a God who can do all!

Let us pray this week:
1. That we can continue to run and move in formation; that God will knit us together in unity.
2. That we can follow others as they follow Jesus. Let the good that God is doing in you be infectious to spur one another on in our walk with God.
3. Let's pray that faith in God for the miraculous is alive and well in our daily lives.

We are so grateful that Christ is the hope of glory. Simply, with faith, we put our trust in Jesus!

God bless,
The Eldership team.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

26th September 2010

"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your the work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thess 1:2 & 3

The Christian walk of faith has always been characterised by a strong and focused sense that we are called for something far greater than ourselves. The men who were called by Jesus dropped all to follow Christ.

Can we pray that, as followers of Christ, we will be gripped with a passion and a fire to fulfill the purposes of God in our lives, and that we be steadfast in the plans, the hope and the future He has for us; all of which are breathtakingly beautiful.

Let us continue to believe for a breakthrough into the areas of the city we are working into, and ask God to continue to open up more so that we might take the City for Him.

Let's keep focused on the goal, the call of God on our lives.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

19th September 2010

As Elders, we met in the Westville site this morning to pray. What an opportunity to constantly hold up the bigger picture of what God has called us to as HCF (soon to be CityHill). We are always aware of the faith that is required in this journey we are on; to trust God for hearts willing to run with courage where He directs.

We felt a specific direction of prayer towards the young folk in our city and church, that the Lord would raise up a passion and zeal within the hearts of our youth and young adults; to see the scope of what adventures lie ahead of them, as we walk together into new areas.

Can we pray this week around our young people? For those that are with us, as well as those that God will bring to us. Pray for a passion, for purpose, vision and energy to run with God's call on their lives.

1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

12th September 2010

God has told us to own the city, but we simultaneously need to be good for the city. Not only should we be preaching the Gospel in the city, but we should also be the Gospel in the city.

Are we living water to our communities? Let us allow the living water to flow from us into the city. Lord, speak to us as to how we participate in letting Your living water flow from us into our communities. Touch others through us. May we be like wells that are overflowing to all that we come into contact with.

God is all powerful; what is our expectation of Him? Together, let us trust God for the supernatural - for the healing of the sick, for the miraculous and for freedom from spiritual strongholds. Lord, move in our corporate meetings, we pray.

Let us pray together that we can be a light in and to our city.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

5th September 2010

We have so much to be thankful for! Give thanks with a grateful heart, for we know with great confidence where our help comes from.

What an awesome weekend at all our sites! Waterfall had 17 people commit to pressing in to the life of the church at the looking in time. Westville hosted Andre de Villiers and the place was packed! A young man responded to the gospel, and a family came back to God. Hillcrest had a chockablock day, ending with Andre in the evening service. Many were moved by his ministry and songs, and we saw three people respond to the gospel.

Things to pray for this week:

1. That HCF (soon to be CityHill Church) will continue to be a prophetic voice into our communities - that we open our ears to the heart of God, and respond in obedience.

2. The returning prodigal: so many have found themselves away from their Father having spent their inheritance. We pray that our house will continue to have wide-open doors.

3. Restoration of courage into the hearts of the weary - vision comes with great cost. We need to continually trust God for boldness, courage and strength in order to press forward in all that God has called us to.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

29th August 2010

One of the very important reasons why we are constantly encouraged to bring our prayer requests to God is because the needs are great and there are eternal things at stake.
One such need is for "workers for the harvest", as well as for effective disciplining throughout the body of Christ towards this end.

Luke 10:2 - 3 encourages our prayer to specifically call for reinforcements.

"These were His instructions to them: The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields. Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves."

In our groups this week let us bring this request to God.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

22nd August 2010

Lord it's all about Your glory...

Thank You for the many salvations we see each and every week. We pray for the discipling of each of those who commit their lives to You. We pray, also, that You will continue to revive the work that You are doing in our city, and fan it into flame.

As we stretch out into the city, use us wherever You wish. We trust that You are preparing each and every one of us for what You are calling us to do in serving You.

We pray for all the churches in our community and city; that You will build and strengthen each one. Thank You that You are building Your Church.

As we consider all the above, let's pray for the Church as a whole:
1) HCF / CityHill
2) Other churches in our city
3) Churches across the world and specifically Billy and Aileen Fourie who planted into Milan last week.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Sunday, August 22, 2010

8th August 2010

God has given us a huge responsibility as a church: to be salt and light wherever He calls us to be (Matt 5:13-14). There are always opportunities at hand for us to put our faith out into the community and city, even at the marriage seminar happening with Mark Gungor this weekend.

As we move into different parts of the city, we are called to extend our hand toward the people in that community. The question is this: within all these opportunities that God brings our way, who is it that you are extending your hand toward? There is a selfless way within the Gospel and we are challenged to lay down our lives as we follow Him.

As we pray this week, let's see our roles clearly as individuals with the responsibility God calls us to. Pray that our hearts and hands would be open and extended toward those He calls us to and that we would lay our lives down daily for Him and His call.

God bless,
The Eldership team

15th August 2010

What an incredible weekend and what a privilege to have had Mark Gungor with us. He has made a huge deposit from God's Word into marriages and also to the single folk here at HCF. There have been many testimonies, even from the unsaved, about the impact of his ministry.

As we gather together in our small groups over the next few weeks, and spend time working through the study guide, we can open up our hearts and allow God's Word to wash over us. Let us become doers of the Word and not hearers only. We pray that marriages in our community will forever be changed.

Proverbs 24:3-5 (Amplified Bible) Through skillful and Godly wisdom is a house, a life, a home, a family built, and by understanding it is established and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

It is only God's Word that can bring life. Allow God to breathe life into your marriage, into your home, into your family and into your relationships.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

1st August 2010

It's been coming for a while now, and we are happy to say, "It's official"! HCF Waterfall is fully online. Saturday saw many from the community pass through to check out the sights and sounds of the Rock Road street party, and Sunday saw the newly upgraded hall packed out with people celebrating a wonderful moment in the life of HCF.

Here are some things we can pray for this week:

1) That we continue to trust together as a church for the "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" course; that it be well attended, and that marriages will be strengthened and equipped.

2) For our city: We all witnessed a rejuvenation in the city over the World Cup. As the church, we pray for a spiritual rejuvenation. We pray, Lord, that You give us the strength and boldness to declare the mystery of Christ to our friends, family, strangers and our city.

"All the world would be Christian if they were taught the pure Gospel of Christ" - Thomas Jefferson.

Let the city of Durban see the glory of God, as we commit to live out the pure Gospel.

There is a deep sense that God is leading us into new things. We thank God for vision, both collectively as a church, and for individuals and families in the life of the church.

God bless,
The Eldership team

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

25th July 2010

Isaiah 6:8; "I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'"
As we respond to the voice of God to reach out into the city, there is great anticipation and excitement for the launch of HCF Waterfall this Sunday, 1st August.

Starting with the street party on Saturday and the launch on Sunday, let's lift up the community of Waterfall in our prayers. Pray for all that is planned this weekend to be successful in raising His Banner over Waterfall.

Pray also that hard hearts would be softened, and that eyes and ears would be opened to respond to the good news that Jesus saves.

Give thanks to God as He uses us to build His church and let our hearts always be open to say, "Here am I! Send me."

God bless,
The Eldership Team

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

18th July 2010

Wow, what an exciting time we find ourselves in at HCF! God is active in our three sites and drawing many families into community at HCF.

Mark Gungor is coming to join us on 13 August, and this is by no means an accident. God is going to do a work in marriages in the life of HCF and our city. Let us thank God for the strong marriages that God has blessed us with in HCF, and trust that they may be an example to others in our congregation. May the influence that our marriages have, flood over those who may find themselves struggling in this area of their lives.

The key for us all is to gain an understanding of God's Word relating to marriages, submit ourselves to His will and focus on Jesus. We could say that the chief end of marriage is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Together, let us bathe in prayer the marriages in HCF and the community; specifically with regard to Mark Gungor's marriage course, and the time that we will spend thereafter in our small groups working on our marriages.

God bless,
The Eldership Team

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

11th July 2010

Well there it goes; the soccer World cup is finished and klaar. What a wonderful time in the life of South Africa! As the church, we believe that God is doing a wonderful thing in our country and we are looking forward to all we can expect in God for our future. Here are a few things we would like to pray for this week:

1. Together as a church; that faith will arise for more of the Holy Spirit's move and work in our midst.

2. As we meet regularly, and in our special moments together, we continue to trust for more people in our communities to be drawn to Jesus and to respond to this wonderful gospel.

3. Let us also pray for the marriages; that in Christ, marriages will be strengthened and that families will be tightly knit around Jesus.

On that last note, we are trusting for a great response to the "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" course and for marriages to be strengthened. You can register and pay online @ www.hcf.co.za

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th July 2010

Ephesians 6:18 is an incredible verse which calls us to take our eyes off ourselves and place them on Christ and His heart for others, through prayer.

Have you noticed how easy it is to become "me" focused? All my thoughts and attention go towards what is best for me. What is it that I need to be happy and comfortable?
The possibility to lift others up before the Lord in prayer, to trust God for their lives, to see His work in His body escapes us at times.

However, when we pray in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers and requests; when we are alert and keep on praying for all the saints, we sense the pleasure and delight of God over our lives.

Can we purpose this week to take our church membership lists; our small group membership lists, and commit to what we are encouraged to do in Ephesians 6:18 - pray for all the saints.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

27th June 2010

In speaking about Christ, John the Baptist says, "May I decrease that He may increase." The Message Bible says it like this: "This is the assigned moment for Him to move into the centre while I slip off to the sidelines." As we are called to follow Christ, may we repeat the prayer of John: more of You, less of me.

Pray that our lives constantly point towards Christ and that we would live with a single passion: to display His glory in all spheres of our lives.

Also, pray for the team going to Mozambique that God would use them to blow wind into the sails of Henriques and Sanel; that God would raise up leaders, and that many would be saved.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

20th June 2010

What an exciting time we find ourselves in in South Africa. As a people, we find ourselves united in a most amazing way; it as though God were breathing His life into all areas of our country.

On Sunday we heard how New Life = New Lifestyle.
As we put on the "clothes" that Christ has given us, let us reach out to the communities that we interact with to draw in the lost. Together, continue to trust God for more people to find life in Christ. Every Sunday we get to see hearts regenerated by Christ and lives that are changed forever. We are a privileged people.

The harvest is ready. Mark Gungor will be with us on 13 - 14 August; we have a wonderful opportunity to draw in those that don't know Christ.

Let's pray together that God will draw in many more who don't know Him and that every marriage in the life of HCF will be strengthened.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

13th June 2010

What a great Sunday at HCF. At all the sites, we experienced an awesome sense of God's hand bringing freedom to many. It was for freedom that Jesus has set us free, and we are free indeed!

The team has returned from a fantastic outreach and training time in Botswana. We stand together and trust that there will be good fruit and significant growth in the church.

Pete spoke this last week from Colossians on putting off our sinful nature and being free in Christ. With the Word in our hearts, let us pray for:
1) Discernment - that we will all open our hearts to the Holy Spirit's "nudge" - revelation of sin in our lives that will bring repentance.
2) Confession - we pray for vulnerable hearts, and a willingness to confess to one another.
3) Community - Godly community, where iron sharpens iron, and we can grow.
4) Deliverance - that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be free of the hold that sin has on us.

God Bless.
The Eldership Team.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

6th June 2010

Someone was saying the other day how exciting it is to be walking with the Lord, as we try and "guess" what it is that He wants to do in us and with us.

This may sound a bit odd at first, maybe even too casual, but the truth is that we are just not that clever to know and figure out His intentions by ourselves.

That's where the joy of adventure comes in. Stop trying to manage God and the work of the Holy Spirit as if He will fit in a box. Sometimes, when we look for God in expected places, we miss Him.

Let's pray today, that all of us will come with soft, pliable hearts that wait on Him. Isaiah 40:31 the Message Bible: "But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind."

Wait, get fresh strength, and see His work, the excitement of "guessing" what it is He wants to do with us corporately & individually.

God Bless.
The Eldership team.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We find ourselves half way through the year and cannot help but thank God for the amazing journey we have experienced across the sites of HCF. God is building His church and we are privileged to be involved in seeing His Kingdom being established and constantly seeing new souls added.

It is a time to dance, as we were encouraged by the message on Sunday. As David danced when the ark of the Lord came into the city, so we too can be exuberant in our praise of our God.

Please pray for the HCF team that is ministering at the leaders training time and outreach in Botswana this week, and pray for the leaders and teams in those churches that are doing outreaches in the city.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Monday, May 31, 2010

23rd May

Let us thank God that He is building His church. We have heard the many prophecies that God will bring people, and currently we see Him adding many to us on a weekly basis. It is a privilege to see so many men and women committing their lives to Christ, and coming into the Kingdom. At the same time, what a responsibility we have to disciple and shepherd the lambs.

As we pray this week, let us ask God for wisdom on how to disciple those that God is adding to HCF. We pray that God will give us tender hearts towards them. As we disciple our new friends, lets pray that we too will grow.

God Bless,
The Eldership team.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

16th May 2010

Once again we as HCF have had the wonderful opportunity of witnessing more people respond to the gospel, committing their lives to Jesus over this past weekend. As a church, when we commit to lift up the name of Jesus, we can stand with expectant hearts seeing the lost being found. We have all had the wonderful moment when Jesus changed our lives, and now we get to walk in the fullness of what God has for us in life.

In our prayer time this week, let us pray:

1) That more people in all the sites continue to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2) That as the word of God is preached, we as the body experience increasingly more transformation into Christ's likeness.
3) On a practical note, let's pray that as people press into the life of HCF, they continue to find community in small groups, where there is care and friendship.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9th May 2010

It is with a sense of awe and humility that we see the favour of God over us as we walk in the plans and purposes that He has for us.

God is calling us to stretch out beyond ourselves, and to increase our capacity for work into the various sites across the city. We can only accomplish it by His grace as He adds men and women to us who have a heart to partner in the gospel.

With that in mind, let us ask God to stir our hearts that we might know what the hope to which He has called us is.

John 4:34 says, "Jesus said to them, 'My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomlish His work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest."

Lord, not my will, but Yours be done.

God Bless.
The Eldership team

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2nd May 2010

We had such awareness this morning as we prayed for the church, that Jesus calls us, both as a church corporately, and as individuals, to throw our seed by the stream (Isaiah 32:20).

What does this mean? For us, the implication is that Christ has ordained plans and paths for everyone to walk upon. Rather than walk a path just for the sake of walking, we need to be praying that His Spirit illuminates the path we are to take; work the land that He is giving us to work. Often, at times, great energy is expended on doing many good things. Our cry should be, "Lord, what is the thing You desire for me / us to be doing?" Take your seed and sow it where the stream is, where the Spirit of God is moving.
2 Corinthians 3:17 "...and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

We are told in no uncertain terms in the very beginning of Isaiah 32 that, if we would do this, we will be blessed; whether this is for your life personally, or for us together as HCF.

We need to look at an ever increasing sphere of influence that Jesus is adding to us. All of us should desire to keep the "main thing the main thing."

Pray with us that we would see His blessing come as we purpose to diligently sow our seed where He is calling us to.

God Bless.
Together with the Eldership team.

Monday, April 26, 2010

26th April 2010

What a fantastic weekend of celebration with our church plants and friends from around the world.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

We count it a priviledge to partner with men and women who are fulfilling this mandate all over the world.

Let us pray for the couples as they prepare to return to their churches. Let us also lift up the churches that they represent and trust God for many, many more witnesses to be raised up all over the earth.

Lastly, let us continue to pray for them in the future as they press on with the task of building Church in another nation.

God Bless,
The Eldership Team

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20th April 2010

Hi there everybody,

We serve an awesome God!

As a church we believe that God can and does answer prayers. Just this week we have had two instances of miraculous healing. Tarryn Houlson just over two years ago, was diagnosed with thoracic scoliosis. Many prayed and trusted God for healing. On the 13th April, Tarryn went to see the doctor, whose response was, "Have you swallowed a sword ?". Her spine is straight and the doctor has said, "I do not need to see you again!!"
Additionally, Kirsty Wright recently suffered a stroke, leaving her entire right side lame. This last weekend during worship, Kirsty simply prayed to God, "Lord please heal me", at which point she heard God say to lift her right hand. She felt the right side of her body go warm and was able to lift her hands to God, as well as walk without a limp, and even do some pirouettes! By His stripes we are healed! Church, let us trust God together this week for those among us who are experiencing illness and physical pain.

This weekend we have guests with us from all over the world who have planted churches and have a relationship with us. Let us pray that not only are they blessed while with us but also this time will be incredibly strategic.

God is doing amazing things in HCF. In our prayers, let us remember all three sites: Hillcrest, Westville and Waterfall, and continue to trust God to draw men and women to Himself.

God bless
The Eldership Team

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A journey filled with purpose

What an awesome journey we find ourselves on as a church! Being able to actively see the move and direction of the Holy Spirit in our meetings, to witness many regularly getting saved... How could we ever say that life is a little mundane, a little dreary !?! Possibly we need to catch a glimpse again of the wonder of Jesus. Catch sight of him and watch clarity and perspective come flooding back. What an amazing scripture Psalm 139 : 1 - 18 is. He hems us in - behind and before. Always in control, always dealing with us in specifics as he makes his Glory known.

We have a sense that God says ask of me, ask specifically of me and trust me with those asks. See how I will undertake on your behalf.

We would like to pray and ask for this continued revelation to capture the hearts and minds of HCF... That Jesus is the start, the end, and everything in between. As we begin to partner with Him and each other in the Gospel, we will see an increase and growth in both numbers and maturity across the sites that we have at present.

Secondly, "UNITE" is happening in two weeks time. Church leaders who have planted out of HCF or have formed a strong relationship with us are coming together from around the world. Can we pray that this time reveals some of the big picture that God calls each and everyone of us to as we partner in the Gospel. And that excitement for the future as we walk together relationally settles in every heart.

God Bless
On behalf of the Eldership team.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday - April 6th 2010

Hope In The Gospel: Colossians 1:23

What a wonderful God we serve. Last week we prayed for the lost to be drawn into church with our "Each One Reach One" service. This Sunday we were privileged to see many first time visitors.

It was an absolute delight to see the power of the gospel touch many lives in Hillcrest and Westville, all the glory and honour to our King.

Please lift up those new converts in your prayers this week. Pray that they would continue in the faith, that they would be grounded and remain steadfast, and not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel.

Let us also pray for UNITE 2010. Many who have planted churches out of HCF will be returning home for a time of celebration and equipping. They will be with us for a week and we are trusting that God will speak to us all during our time together. As we lift up their hands, ask God to touch their lives, refresh them, and re-energize them.

Have a great week.

God bless

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Each One Reach One

Each one reach one, what an opportunity we have, and what an amazing gift Jesus is to mankind. We get to celebrate together on Sunday as we glorify our Lord and Saviour. Let us pray together that we will mobilise to draw the lost into church on Sunday. It’s a day that many unsaved people are happy to attend church for religious reasons.

Let us also pray that those who have no revelation of Christ, have the scales peeled from their eyes, and commit their lives to Him.

Please keep Henriques and Sanel in your prayers as they lead in Maputo, and specifically for strategy and vision for the church.

God bless
The Eldership Team

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23rd March - A Church that’s moving

One of the greatest truths that the bible speaks of regarding the church, is that Jesus is building the church. Jesus loves the church, Jesus died for the church, Jesus is the head of the church and Jesus is building His church. We can sometimes be caught up in the part that we play and attribute the success of a growing church to our efforts. Therefore it is of great importance that we humble ourselves and trust God for His will, His way. What a privilege to be part of what God is doing.

With that in mind, please join us this week as we pray into the many great adventures, that await us over the next few months. Firstly let us pray for:
1. Humility & Patience
2. That God would order our steps, and that we would walk in all that He has for us.
3. As the word of God is preached, lives would be changed and His word shall not return void.

God Bless
The Eldership team

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16th March - The Bride of Christ

As God has called us to reach the city and partner in spreading the Gospel, there is a sense that God is calling us to pray for “The Church”. Pray for the churches in our area and the greater Durban area. That Christ would be lifted up and that the lost would be drawn to him. The church would be the salt of the earth and that city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.

This Friday there is a youth event; Shaun Pollock will be sharing, pray that the young people will respond to the gospel.

Also there is a team going to Maputo this week end to encourage Henriques and Sanel in the launch of the church there.

Give thanks to God as he uses us to build his church and for the privilege of reaching the harvest.

God Bless

The Eldership team

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the work before us.

What do you do when with every passing day you sense an ever increasing leading from the Lord into a season of abundance? We are talking specifically of an abundance of harvest...
Friends, we have such an excitement brewing within us that God has connections laid out for each of us that we are yet to walk into. Our future involves people we have not yet met...
This means then... coming back to the earlier question... We pray that God would cause an intentionality to rise within everyone of us. That the Lord gives us an ability to see with greater awareness the opportunities of each day. And that our methods would fall into the structures of his great love and compassion.
Colossians 4 : 5 - 6

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Open ears to the Lord

Lord, an hour with you is worth a hundred elsewhere. A thought to ponder on as we ask Jesus to direct us each and every day, renewing our strength and engaging us in the plans He has for us.

Let us pray together for Hendriques and Sanel as they complete their final preparations for their plant into Maputo. We trust that they will settle well and that God will bless them and the Church as they put their hands to work in a new field.

Closer to home:
-how big is our city vision?
-what has God got in store for us?
-how much faith do we have?

Lord your plans are greater than what we think.

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23rd Feb - Out the blocks

Hi everybody, can you believe our Westville site has been running now for 4 weeks!! In that four weeks it has been super exciting to see new folk visiting and expressing interest in joining the church. The team down at Westville are doing an awesome job creating an environment that captures the Heart of HCF. We are truly becoming “One church with multiple sites”.

As an eldership team here are a few things that we feel lead to pray for this week:

1. More leaders to rise up and use their gifts for the Kingdom.

2. That the community heart of HCF continues to beat strongly as new folk press into the life of HCF, in all sites, both Hillcrest and Westville.

3. That more who don’t know Jesus, find themselves drawn to Him in our midst, and that we continue to see more lives transformed.

4. Pete and Karen are currently ministering at the Australia “Equip” time, let us continue to lift them up in prayer, and trust God for a good report.

As we pray let us constantly be reminded of God’s amazing love for us, His mercy that prevents us from getting what we deserve and His grace that gives us what we don’t deserve.

God Bless

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb 16th - Time to build.

Galatians 1:15: Born for a time such as this!

But when He who has set me apart before I was born, and who called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son to me, in order that I might preach Him among the gentiles….

Friends we are privileged to be part of God's church at a time such as this. As God has opened the doors into the city let us pray that by His Spirit, God would fan into flame the heart of the Gospel, that in all we do, His name may be glorified.

Luke 10:2 The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers…

With that in mind we felt as elders to pray:

For the power of the gospel to touch many lives, to see many souls added to His Kingdom,

For the leaders and for those who are going to lead,

And finally for marriages to be protected and to glorify Him.

Join us together in prayer this week

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9th Feb - Marvel at miracles, present & future.

It leaves us in awe of God every time we see the wonders of His hand. The birth of this church, the provision of the land we are on, the completion of this incredible auditorium, the securing of the Westville site...and now a release into Waterfall.
As we pray this week, church, let's give thanks that God is always moving forward and calling us to venture out in faith and obedience with Him.
We don't just get caught up in the work of it all, but as it says in Isaiah 55 : 1 - 2: We pray that each & everyone of us does what we do firstly, for the Glory of the King. And secondly, never losing the thrill & delight of coming to His table. His food, His presence, His voice is our "Rich food".
Lord, our prayer is that our first priority would always be to feast at your extravagant buffet and delight in You as we enjoy the thrill of your adventures.

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb 2nd - Faith has feet

Wow what a start to our adventure in the city - HCF Westville is alive. God has called us to step out in faith and walk with Him into the city. Enjoy the privilege of knowing that anything is possible for God; and anticipating much more for us as individuals and HCF.

Further afield Henriques and Sanel will be planting into Mozambique. Lets lift them up in prayer as they prepare for their adventure, and trust that God is preparing the ground for their plant as they take over an existing church in Maputo.

As we step out in faith each day, let us remember that we do the things that we do because of the Gospel.

Lets pray together around these three areas this week.

The Eldership Team

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 27th - The adventure begins

On Sun the 31st we will be launching our first site, we are trusting that many over time will come to know Jesus through this exciting adventure. As a church our prayer emphasis this week is that God will take all that we have done and multiply it, that leaders will rise up and that the life of God will be seen, heard and felt in Westville.

On Sun we begin two new preach series, “What we Believe” in the mornings and “24” in the evenings. Let us pray that the word will continue to change us and cause us to be more like Him. God is moving us as a church, so let us also continue in our prayer to trust Him for the strength to live out His plan for us with great humility and the heart of a servant.

God Bless

The Eldership team

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HCF Prayer Blog

Keeping in touch, praying together, moving forward.